Re: permissions

Bruce Barnett (
Tue, 17 May 94 10:22:05 EDT

> /		rw,nosuid
> /usr		ro
> /var		rw,nosuid
> /home		rw,nosuid
> /tmp		rw,nosuid
> /usr/local	ro

excellent thinking. Does anyone have any problems with this philosophy?
I noticed some systems around here with /sbin/su and /sbin/sulogin.
These would be disabled if the above conditions were met.
Is this a problem? Anything else break?

Speaking of which, have people used my trojan perl script I posted earlier?
I think I only got one bugfix, and one report of the results.

Sounds like a lot of people asked for it, but never used it....

If you did act on the results, (i.e. change the permission of some
directories, etc.) did it have any ramifications?  Did any code break?

Should I post it to other mailing lists? Or is it too buggy?

Bruce Barnett <> 
GE Corporate Research and Development Center